Tuesday, October 30, 2007
it's finally ova!
Alright.. i'm finally back to blog again... i know i know...after so long.. it's been a busy schedule recently..and i'm glad the october OT period's just over! :D - then again, just when i thought it's all over, my depot commander just told us yesterday that we may have to OT again at the end of november.. -_- well, at least it's only for a week or so. :)anyway, i would like to personally thank a few of my friends here. firstly, shimin and mandy - thanks for helping me with the cab fare when my debit card had some problems! thank God i met you both! :) man, gotta get my card renewed or smth, been giving me problems lately. secondly, Joel - thanks bro! there are some things i don't like saying it face to face and this is one of them. thanks for helping me a lot recently, its a blessing to have you as a buddy. :) i totally understand what you are going through - you and her...i know, i've been there before. all i have to say is - let go and let God take control. :)
hmm.. tomorrow's my audition for something important! i really pray that i get this - but even if i don't it's totally fine! :) it's already a great learning opportunity anyway... :) ~wondering what i am talking about?! haha! well..you'll know some time soon. :) for those of you who know - SHHH! :D
really tired... gotta go get some rest soon. before i go, here are a few pictures taken recently.
yummy! after jamming fellowship + art class. LOL!

im usually not a bunny person, but these 3 here are irresistably cute! (esp the one on the far left)
they've been cuddling together a loooonggg time, just to share their meal! LOL!