Tuesday, November 13, 2007
another "calamity" -alright it's not tat bad, haha!

just when we all thought it was over, and the next OT period won't come so soon; we were told to prepare for OT this week. yesterday was the first one -i hope they won't today (though it's most likely going to happen) -why do i use "they" instead of "we" u asked? cos i was sick the past two days and was "relaxing" at home while my camp mates OT in camp. :P i know what you are thinking, hahaha -i'm really sick okay.. that also explains why i didn't GB with my buddies on sunday night -i was already feeling a little feverish and needed the rest.

GB refers to Gunbound, and on that note, some us in camp started playing GB recently.. its funny how that old game could still bring so much fun when we all play together. the game's got this very kiddy look which, honestly, i don't wana be seen playing. but behind this inmature visuals, its a game with a lot of mathematical estimation and logical reasoning. for example, if you want to attack someone at the far end of the screen, you'll want to have a low angle and high power so that your shot can go far -of course putting into consideration your terrain condition and the weather, you make adjustments from there. you'll know what i'm talking about if you've played GB before. :)
speaking of which, those of you in camp who're reading this! Please, pick up a form at the reception counter and sign up as a member today! remember to tick the checkbox at the bottom of the form that says "YES! I want to join the GB gang and i promise to GB with them whenever possible! and i will abandon DOTA too!" - LOL! in another words, please join GB with us, we need more players. :)

to whoever it may concern, appreciate what you have around you, especially the people around you and the things that they've done for you. the last thing you'll want is to regret when it's gone. what you do not treasure, you will lose. -enough said.

-Letter to my Beloved-
only You know clearly what i'm going through now. No, i won't back down, i won't surrender, i won't give up just like how You've not given up on a imperfect me. Thank You for cheering me on, and always so ever believing in me that i can make it. times are hard, but i will not stop praising You. Just like the Spartans in the 300 movie that We watched recently, they never back down, they never surrender and they never quit -neither will i. the devil should be the one backing down, surrendering and quiting the fight, because greater is He who is in me then he who is in the world.
Rest assured, what I've pledged, I will fulfill. I'm learning to keep my word just as how You've kept Yours. I'm believing in You, for a greater breakthrough.
Thank You once again.. :)

On 11/13/2007 05:23:00 PM, Reid- let go.