Friday, April 4, 2008
i guess the simplest way to answer all that "WHY HAVE YOU NOT BEEN UPDATING YOUR BLOG" questions, will be to just act as if i am suffering from some form of amnesia...."duuuhhhhhhh, huh? i had a blog????" (saliva drooling from mouth)
LOL, but im not going to do that. simply, my answer to all that is: (read my first post) I am not the blogging sort of guy, and i blog when i like, i don't blog when i don't feel like :) simple as that :) i guess what gave me the push to finally write something on my blog now is my new computer?
just bought a new computer two days ago, and "I'M LOVING IT!" (sorry, Macdonalds) even though many of my friends told me Acer spoils easily.. ah well, i still think i've got a good buy though! :) it's a good performance PC that comes together with speakers, mouse and keyboard. LOL...great.. now i got an extra speakers sitting around in my room. anyone interesteD? haha! :D
on to my love life...........................
right, as everyone of you already knew, i got attached :) she's really everything i've ever prayed for :) :) just thinking of her now while i am typing this makes me smile :D LOL, don't puke now.. :) you'll behave the same when you are in love, trust me.. ;)
no? don't trust me? fine! when you get attached, record a video of yourself and your other half, then post it up on YouTube.. Let's see what the comments will be like.. ;) LOL! :P
right, anyway..... she's in china now, on some school trip / assignment thing... i hate the feeling of missing someone so dear to you.. :( someone whom is always around when you needed her the most, but now, she's not.......for the next 8 days, after struggling through the first 3 days.
she's probably reading this right now, so BEWARE guys! cause the next paragraph is not meant for anyone of you but her only! (this is where you close your eyes and scroll down blindly :])
************WARNING****************** MUSHY ALERT**********************************************************************
i'm just kidding ;) i won't let the whole world see how tammy and i communicate :) but instead, i'll show a couple of pictures :D :D

happy times with my beloved :D